Do people even watch TV anymore?


Are there still people who watch TV and have noticed that there's Netflix, amazonprime and disney +


Now and then zapping through wildly is still fun.

In addition, there are now and then films that are not on the platforms.


My parents and grandparents have no vod. They still watch TV as normal. And I assume that especially older people over 70 do this too.

every now and then I take a look. News, soccer games or even a movie if I'm interested in eggs.

so yes… There are certainly still a lot of them.


We only watch TV 1-2 times a week in the evening anyway:-)

We have had it all! So Netflix, Prime and Premiere. But since we never needed it… Pfff - away with it! Nothing works anyway or costs a surcharge again.

We had the case that an old (!) Film should cost 4.99 euro. Pff, … Much too expensive! But since we wanted to see the film, I simply bought the DVD for 2.99 euro and then gave it away to someone who wanted to see it too! ^^ + gg


I don't have any of that either, but I only watch TV 1-2 times a week.


He: How do you know that I'm 1000 also he


Don't be so cheeky, I'll bet you don't even know how to record a movie or a show on the recorder.


But I know but I also know that it is 2021


Wow, congratulations.


Yes, you can also start living in the now


Dude, I think I'm close to your age. You don't have to tell me how to live, because I know what possibilities there are. But that doesn't mean that I have to live by it.


What does that have to do with trend do you come to work in a carriage or what?


Sure you don't?


One could get the feeling with you


You're pretty much in 1930 for 002


Do you notice how ridiculous you are? Just let people live.


Yes in 2021, not in 1960


The TV is on as soon as I get home. I'm a "TV kid" of the 90s and the part always has to hum.

We currently have Netflix, Disney + and Amazon. I quit Sky because it only played repetitions and it became too expensive… I also only have one HD + card to be able to watch everything on TV on HD.

One day we watch normal TV, on other days (when nothing is on TV) we watch a streaming service…

The problem is: a streaming service doesn't cover all of our preferences! So we have to subscribe to several and also watch TV.



And what is that supposed to tell me now?

The main thing is to simply link something without comment… As if I had 20 minutes to look at the cheese…


I like to watch TV, or let it run on the side. Are there programs like "Who knows something?", "Beautiful", "Tea or Coffee", "News from Büttenwarder", "Animals are looking for a home" or "Volle Kanne" on Netflix & Co?

It's nice to wait for a show or watch some afternoon entertainment on the side. I don't have to watch Hollywood movies or series every day. There are DVDs for that. And my niche interests are covered by youtube.


Of course there are also programs on Netflix and what's the argument there are DVDs for an argument that I don't drive a car anymore, there are carriages


I don't need any arguments here. I don't want to convince anyone to give up Netflix. Everyone should do as they want. I don't have or need any streaming services. My life is already well filled with work, household chores, hobbies, animals and family. It's enough for me to watch something on the side from time to time. I have all of my favorite series on DVD because I value a physical copy that I can watch and hold in my hand. I also go to the cinema a lot. There's no better or worse, it is simply something else.


No, there's obviously better or worse, but some people still have to arrive in 2021


No, there are different people with different needs:-)