I worked too much and now I have a noise?


I'm telling you a story from yesterday. I had been given 5 weeks homework by my teacher like math, German and another book that I had to read. I had to do pages 25 to 40 roughly. I had been sitting for 4 hours working on my homework where I finished at 10:20 p.m. I heard a noise. And I didn't even know where it came from. By the way, my parents had watched TV, of course I was in the living room where my parents were watching TV. My mother also helped me a bit to give me a head start. Unfortunately I was knocked out because I was finished. I go to my room and hear a noise I don't know at all whether that was my fear or whether it was because of the lack of sleep. I could not sleep well 3 or 4 days ago because I lost my sleep back muscle. I always wake up when the day is almost over, around 3pm to 4pm I always wake up I could never sleep properly so I gamble or watch Netflix or Disney plus to relax. After all that had happened I went to bed to rest but I heard this noise. I just ignored it and slept bite. But it's still not enough for me and still heard it. What is your opinion, is it insomnia or is it my fear? I'm a little bit afraid of some things so I'm a little bit scared in such situations.



Drink 1L of water and lie down again.


Thanks, but is it bad if I have it?


I always drink water almost every day.


It is not normal.


Today you drank too little for your work.


When I'm super tired and hear something like a loud noise, I always get a strange feeling on my heart and my eyes open for a few seconds because of the insomnia when I have slept in, I'm always fit but when I'm tired I react I'm also afraid of loud noises or steps, sometimes I even imagine that the doorbell rings but in reality it didn't ring as some people hear that her mother is calling and the mother then says that I have not called you I have a situation when I haven't slept for a long time


Sorry because of spelling I'm tired


Spelling, orthography


And how do you even know? Maybe it can also be because of insomnia. But I drink a lot of water, I even drank almost a whole bottle empty. But thanks anyway for your answer.


I've been awake for a long time, but I've never had anything like that.






Not bad but thanks for your answer I was very happy.


Learn to write first.


Have a look at the time


Actually, I have to vote it for me, it often happens nothing bad.




Calm down but I just wanted to know from other people what is wrong with it only you can calm down ok. I'm going first, good night to bed.


Sorry couple of mistakes


After not really often but so rarely I get it.


Run a marathon.




Find your rhythm between learning, breaks and relaxation (possibly relaxation exercises in between). Better you learn it now, otherwise it may be that you quickly reach your limits in training or at work. Reading 15 pages is hard to compare with a hard working day + overtime + private life / family or hobbies.