Motivation to learn if you just want to watch videos or watch Netflix?


I have to study for work but I have no motivation so I would rather watch Netflix do you have any tips?


For learning or generally concentrated work, it is helpful to switch off all distractions.

Means even if you like to have the TV on, turn it off!

Also turn off the smartphone or at least the sounds.

Also everything that could distract you like radio and / or game consoles.

Give yourself a time to say you are studying. During this time you do not call up any fan sites or Netflix and Co. On your PC. YouTube and Co only for tutorials on the learning topic!

The reason is simple… It takes discipline to study, and if your brain is distracted from the TV every time something happens, you won't get stuck in your head. At least nothing that has to do with the subject matter.

It also helps with the home office 😉.

But if you don't do it, the risk of distraction is high. It's quick and easy to get to Facebook or another platform for 30 minutes. Or watch yourself stuck in a series. In the worst case, you will not be able to learn your material later because the exam is pending or a task has to be handed in.

Maybe it will help you to use a place specifically for studying and working. For example, I have only been using my computer desk for work for 1 year. The work PC is switched off at the end of the day. The place is changed for leisure time.

The "spatial separation" can help to concentrate. And of course, give yourself a certain amount of time. Say I study for 30min - 2h every day or give you a goal… For example, today I'm working on topic A or doing all the tasks on the topic block, etc.

Reward yourself after studying. Be it by watching your favorite series or by something else that encourages / relaxes you.

You could of course turn on the radio as long as it doesn't distract you, but it should be so quiet that it doesn't bother you.