What is home office for you guys?


Are you working effectively there or are you just lying on the couch and watching Netflix?


For me, home office is more work than in the office. I have to make a lot more phone calls or write emails for things that I would clarify with people in the office.

Sure there are video conferences, which I don't find bad either, but it's not the same.

In any case, I don't have time to watch Netflix.


Different, mostly I watch YouTube next to it, so I work more slowly, but almost always manage everything.


It is a big myth that people only sleep and watch videos in the home office.

In practically every company there's someone who keeps a sharp eye on whether services are being performed at home. Even with the state.

Some also have to write daily logs of what was worked.

And the work doesn't go by itself. Anyone who has a larger area of responsibility in the company triggers a crisis if they do not work away at home.


Work in the home office anyway… ^^ + gg
I'm self-employed and my office is in my house… Running!


When it comes to questions like this, one shouldn't be surprised why people think negatively about home office.

For me, home office means working effectively. Nobody comes by and keeps me from work with unnecessary conversation.

If I wanted to cheat my AG, I would do it with cleaning, cooking, washing - then I don't have to do it in the evening.

Since my home office would be painted again, the question does not arise.