Office PC accelerate. As?

- in Movies

I would like to accelerate my PC a bit for my office work. It's actually a small gamer PC from Ultraforce but I do not play games! I only work with it. So Office work, synonymous likes Photoshop image editing and incidentally, I watch Netflix movies. So again I'm not a gamer and do not play video games on the PC!

I would like to make my PC a bit faster without having to pay a fortune. What is the most meaningful? About one more memory? Does that bring something or rather less?

Here are the dates:

Office PC accelerate. As

You do not need to upgrade your claims. You will not notice any noticeable differences. Maybe a bigger SSD.


How should it get faster? For only Office enough AMD FX thick and SSD he has synonymous, so there's relatively little to accelerate.

I notice a difference between my FX-8350 and my i7-3970X, e.g. While surfing. The FX is noticeably delayed in comparison, but the difference is not serious. I'll say factor two to three, that would be about a half a second when building a complicated website, maybe a second and a half. Nothing that would warrant an upgrade in the range of 400 euro, at least in my opinion.


So can I leave the 8GB Ram for my use? Surfing and Office programs will not get faster.


Nope. My second PC has synonymous NEN FX-8350 and 8GB RAM; I do not see any advantage for Office.

Is he noticeably too slow for you somewhere or why the desire for acceleration?


No, I just thought that it could speed up various operations. Quite seldom does Photoimpact x3 have a warning window that I can't use any more layers because the maximum memory has been reached. However, it is limited to 4GB and can't be increased I think.


Well, of course you can't do anything with more RAM. Probably a 32bit application.

Yes, otherwise you could just stop to look, that not too much junk is running in the background and that the SSD is not full.


Since you only use Office applications, I would focus only on cpu and gpu.

The cpu I would overclock. So that it does not cause any problems, a water cooling is sufficient for 50 euro.

The GPU is rather weak from the core clock. For more stability when working with graphics applications, I would completely switch to amd. NVIDIA is too strict.