What's wrong with the new youth?


Recently with my uncle.

My aunt asked me to make something on the TV for my cousins (3 and 4).

I chose the Lion King at Netflix, because I do not need an explanation. Anyone who does not like the Lion King is suspect to me.

Then it was said the two do not want to look something like that and I should make Slime Videos on Youtube instead.

I then first looked alone King of the Lions. On principle.


So you think that something is wrong with our youth?

Somehow I just see it differently.


He is right. Only we do not talk about 3-4 year old children here but about him ;-)


At the headline, I thought now wonder comes…

Because of a movie, you are of the opinion with 4 year old is not true? 4 year old and youth… In between are worlds ;-).

And just because your little relatives do not want to see the movie you can hardly generalize that. There are even children who do not want to see Sesame Street ;-).


You are the proof, something is wrong with the youth.

My child - soon 4 - does not look more than 15 minutes… With King of the Lions, I do not need Sa come.

BUT why are you looking like this?


Nostalgia, bit **