Amazon, Netflix, Disney +, Sky Cinema, TvNow, Apple tv + or Joyn?

- in Movies

The 21st century has revolutionized the art of film, I don't mean visual effects, motion capture, Dolby Atmos, 4K HDR and 3D technology
No I'm talking about

Amazon, Netflix, Disney , Sky Cinema, TvNow, Apple tv or Joyn

Which is your favorite service and more importantly why?

or would you prefer a VHS video store?


I have Netflix, Prime and Disney +.

Netflix has the largest selection, so I prefer the service.


Disney Plus and Blu Ray.


Me too


Netflix somehow really lost quality with their own productions.




I like house of money


And Apple TV +


For some, yes.


Mainly Netflix because there mMn. The better films and series out there, especially more anime than on Prime Video. I watch Prime Video on occasion, however, when new seasons for certain series come out.

I now plan to test the free month at Disney + and see what there's.


I prefer Netflix. A lot of choice and a lot of variety. But I also have Disney + and Joyn and can also recommend them positively.
I also tested Sky for a month and have a very good selection that may not be available anywhere else. E.g. Chernobyl (Absolutely great the series!) Sky can unfortunately only be chosen for sports, cinema films or series.


Unfortunately, there's unfortunately only one test week


Yes that's real 💩


Oh, then I have to hold on. Definitely want to watch Mandalorian.


Netflix makes sharing more attractive than anyone else. Biggest savings potential.

If that wasn't possible, I'd be back at Prime. Because without cheating Prime has the best price / performance ratio.

Always find something to watch with both.

Disney + is great if you hardly know anything about Disney. I find almost nothing to look at.

Joyn… Well I don't watch TV programs anyway, I don't need such services (Waipu, TVNow the same).

I don't know Apple TV and Sky.

Over Easter there was free access to Anime on Demand. The service is almost only slightly better than the illegal portals. Offers hardly any added value. Unlike Netflix, it has many features that make it more popular than illegal portals. I don't use them anymore, except for anime.