Which series will be better?

- in Movies

I recently learned of two upcoming fantasy series that are probably very good. On the one hand "The Witcher", on the other hand "His Dark Materials" (many also known as "The Golden Compass" - there are also films by.)

Here are the trailers:

The Witcher:

His Dark Materials:

Personally, I have had very good experiences with HBO series, which is why I'm very panned especially on "His Dark Materials". Whether Netflix can turn even big fantasy series, will show.

What do you think, which fantasy series is getting better?


I really like The Witcher and think the trailer is really good. But find that they should take another actor for Gerald, as this does not suit him and does not really resemble him


Series of HBO will probably not appear on Netflix.

Witcher looks a bit more appealing than "… Material".


Series of HBO will probably not appear on Netflix


Exactly my opinion he does not look like Gerald


The fits perfectly, if one goes after the book template ;-)

The Gerald from the game does not really fit ^^

I'm almost 100% sure that this will be a big disappointment for many.


Not really. Geralt was always described in the books as slim and not particularly muscular, so the complete opposite of Henry Cavill.


Actually neither, but:

I do not know HDM (I'm looking at D.R. No series), but I do not like the Witcher series.

You just have to look at the cast… It does not suit the characters at all and is still quite artificially diverse.
While Yen looks rather grown-up in the books, Triss is more childlike, has a much more feminine appearance, and so on. In the series that was completely reversed, which makes no sense at all. I do not want to talk about Fringilla. Cavill as Geralt is also not ideal, but that is not nearly as bad as Yen or Fringilla.

I think the Witcher series is being tailor-made for the mainstream and rewritten - the typical Netflix user will not notice in any way that the adaptation is just… Bad because he does not know the original.


Yes, but the Geralt from the series definitely looks more like a Geralt from the book than the Geralt from the game (at least from the third and second part).

Especially since the Geralt from the book must be quite muscular.

If you really want to hate it, hate it. The series does not really itch me either.