Thrillers or films with a twist?

- in Movies

Yes I want to know if some of you still know such "twist" or thriller films. Shutter Island I already looked at was a masterpiece because of the demand. Thrillers and dark psychological films were also good. Preferably with a lot of tension and gloomy. Don't necessarily have to be on Netflix, but no matter where.


Lost Highway
Mulholland Drive
A Tale of Two Sisters
The Sixth Sense
The Mothman Prophecies - Deadly Visions
Jacob's Ladder - In the power of the afterlife
The Game
The Gift
The machinist
Killing words


Orphan the orphan.


Not yet mentioned:

The Prestige

Cry wolf

The Tall Man

Limehouse Golem

Under control (surveillance)

Best laid plans

The Horsemen