Collection fraud email?

- in Movies

I received an e-mail from debt collection yesterday, which contains the 3 reminder and I should transfer 500 euro to a foreign IBAN number. The address is also from London. It says because of a subscription I have to pay the reminder. In my life, I only watched Netflix and used no other sites to watch movies.
It also says on the internet that many want to get money from it so fraud. I also told them that they shouldn't bother me anymore but then send me a message threatening me again or saying otherwise I would have to accuse them and I should rather pay the money. The number in the email does not work either.

what do you all mean?


Oh man…


Reminders always come in the mail. Or have you ever had to enter a "private" email somewhere in the town hall?!


Collection and email - legally you can forget it. They have to follow the postal route.

if the phone number is not already active, you can assume that something is wrong.


Only you know whether what is the reason for the claim is justified.

It says because of a subscription

You need to know if you have a subscription or not.

If not, don't pay, wait. You only have to react when a lawsuit or judicial order is issued.

If you have an RSV, a commissioned lawyer can inquire.


Reminders can now also be sent electronically. However, debt collection is another caliber and therefore debt collection agencies also have to work with the post office.


Thank you


Tell them to send you all of this in writing. You would not respond to any requests made by email.


Click nothing. You will get even more + urgent mails.

Clear. It is fraud. These streaming services do not exist.

Look here:


Oh my god yes that was exactly the page. Great have now answered them but have marked them as spam and will ignore them.