Hacked Netflix or Email?


Our Netflix has been hacked, the new email is now an Indian. The password has also been changed, we have zero access to it. The whole thing was managed by my roommate in, their email was also blocked because of "suspicious activity" (via this email was also the Netflix account). Has your email been hacked now? And if so, what can you do? This email contains many important things and must not be lost. Likewise with the Netflix account, what should we do? We have given our address there, we have already received letters from fraudsters. We should pay for things we never bought (was confirmed by the police as a fraud).



There's the first port of call for Netflix. There simply describe your problem and get help from them.

You also have to contact the e-mail-privider. Since you have not given any details, you have to see for yourself who can help.


The email is with Swisscom (Switzerland)

I have already tried that with Netflix, has brought nothing…


Did you call? (Netflix)


for the mail


No, not there, I'll give it a try.


Orally, you can describe the problem best there and you may have a direct help how it can go on.

0800 724 0697 for Germany. Is free


I've called there a few times because of my Swisscom TV, so it should be fine, thanks.


Good luck then