GMX password hacked and changed, what now?

- in Free

I have a GMX-Free account as an email address. Now the account has been hacked and I can no longer enter. That's why my Netflix account was hacked, but that's already settled.

If I state on the Internet that I have forgotten the password, it says that the password can be sent to an apparently stored email address. The email address is censored, however, and I'm sure that it can't be mine.

As far as I can remember, I should have filed a security question, but I'm no longer sure. I also don't know what I have to do so that I can answer the security questions because it only says that it can be sent to this ominous other address.

I also heard that you can fix this with the hotline and the ID card. But it may be that I have not given my real name 😅

I think the only way is to call the hotline, but I'm a little afraid of it, because it's definitely not allowed to come up with a name.

Do you think that's bad?

It would be great if someone could help me!


Last but not least, the phone remains, you can certainly identify yourself with a copy of your ID and your address details if you have provided the correct address details.

In addition, you can always protect yourself from such hacks by doing something "in the future":