Email was hacked, what to do?

- in Free

So I have an email address at, this eig I had everywhere, PayPal, Netflix, Inst, etc. Then with me Netflix and Insta and other things hacked and changed the access data. In all cases, I was able to undo it, and exchanged email and passwords. The old address is still in my email program and I still get the whole newsletter and so… Anyway, just came in an email that I was told he hacked me, also my password was updated, and he has my private data and browser history. I'm supposed to transfer bitcoins, otherwise he will publish them. Now my question: should I take this seriously and to the police? The stupid is I accidentally deleted the mail…


It can't be that you were hacked. Because if it were so, you would not come in with your access data anywhere. In Netflix etc. Also you could change the passwords. That would not be possible if you were hacked. He also can't have the personal data and browser histories.

This is a scam. He scares you and wants bitcoins. So that's blackmail if you take a closer look. This happens very often and unfortunately some pay as they take him seriously. There are so many fraudsters. For example, send an email that looks like it's from Amazon. You are asked to update your data. To get straight to Amazon in the email is a link. There comes a website that looks like Amazon's. You enter your data and you already have your access data.

My advice: Do not think and just delete these mails. I get that more often. Almost a standard.


Thanks for your answer! I've already thought something like that, but was unsure because my actual password was in the mail. But I was actually hacked, my Netflix account I got back only because I called the support and could prove that he belongs to me and in insta I have also reported to the, whereupon the account was closed.