Is netflix worth it for people who don't watch series?

- in Movies

If I only watch films, is it worth it at all? And didn't I watch everything after a few weeks? So I had that years ago. I watched films every now and then, 3-4 times a week. It didn't take long, and then you were quickly through with the good and interesting titles. At least half of the films and offers there are of no interest to me.

And I don't start watching series or films that I don't care about, just to feel like the subscription makes sense.


It's not worth watching films online


Then get the subscription for 1-2 months, watch all the films that interest you, and then cancel it.

You can't say whether the films are for you, because everyone has a different taste.


Most netflix originals films are junk


Yes, there are so many films that are not so familiar now, but are really interesting, but sometimes episodes of a series are as long as a film and something ends with each episode, so it's like a multi-part film like HP




On the sides that are not so legal🤭