WLAN is not working properly, what can I do?

- in Movies

I moved and since here, due to a neighbor, no cables for a wireless router can be moved, the landlord has provided me (as long as necessary) a Huawai Gigacube. The last few days he ran flawlessly, but since yesterday evening my hamdy, as well as on my MacBook shows that I'm connected to the WLAN, and also have full reception, write more than WhatsApp is somehow not. When I open Netflix, although the films and series load in the overview, but if I want to watch a series / film, it loads endlessly. The same problem I have with YouTube and Google too (only that Google does not load the search). Could you help me?

Ps: I've rebooted the Gigacube twice yesterday and reconnected my devices several times.


Is probably like me on your phone. Ever restarted?


Then probably the data volume will be used up.


Several times, have the problem with the MacBook too…