If I buy Netflix and my father allows me to watch FSK 18 films, would it be a breach of contract or something?

- in Movies

If I buy Netflix and my father allows me to watch FSK 18 films, would it be a breach of contract or something?


Your father can't allow you to do that.


If you are under 18 this is not allowed by law.


Huh? FSK is a recommendation, not a rule. He should only not allow me to do so if it causes psychological damage


Huh? FSK is a recommendation, not a rule. He should only not allow me to do so if it causes psychological damage

So why shouldn't that be legally allowed? If you mean sales, OK. The sale is public. The use or consumption is private and thus it is divided into the privileges of the legal guardian


The age rating is by no means a recommendation.

Read through paragraph 27 of the Youth Protection Act.


And what if I watch FSK 16 films?

Will Netflix allow me to do this, provided I'm 16?


With 17?

No problem.


With 16


Then why do you ask when you "know" it anyway

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