Camera effect? What is the name of the?

- in Movies

I have a question! Namely, yesterday I watched a series on Netflix and in an episode there was an effect where the main character stood in the middle and suddenly everything else (except the person) enlarged and removed. (The field of view has become larger). I like to film for my life and therefore I would like to know what that means.


This might be the "dolly-zoom" or "vertigo-effect".

Camera effect What is the name of the


Many Thanks.


At the same time zoom in and change perspective in opposite directions. I saw Vertigo for the first time in the Hitchcock movie (hence the Vertigo effect).


The dolly zoom can be done without a dolly with a picture-stabilized 4K camera. For that you just go to the person to or away from the filming.

In post-production, you can use the 4K material to digital zoom in or zoom out (with HD resolution). Depending on what you did (towards the actor or away from the actor) then you use the opposite as a zoom, so that the actor remains the same size.