What can I do about the standard Netflix tariff and how long is the notice period?

- in Movies

I have three questions about Netflix:

1.) If you are a customer of Netflix, how long is the notice period? Does terminable at any time, that one comes from one to the other month from the contract?

2.) I would opt for the tariff "standard". I've heard that in order to watch movies on Netflix, you also have to pay per film. The MA on the phone but from Netflix just said, you could with the monthly 10.99, - ALL unrestricted to see what Netflix offers. What is right here?

3.) What does Netflix offer for payment methods other than the credit card?


1. There's no time limit. As soon as you do not pay the account will be deactivated. As soon as you pay again, it will be reactivated

2. You can always watch the same films. No matter if standard or premium member.

3. I always pay with credit cards. You get that in the gas station, supermarket, etc


1. Cancelable at any time, that is, if you have quit, you will not have Netflix from the next month.

2. You can watch all movies and series.

3. You can pay with almost anything https://help.netflix.com/...node/41049