Nice American films?

- in Movies

I'm looking for nice films that are set in America. No matter if southwest or new York or any coast or Miami or Wyoming the main thing in America. Can also be Hawaii or Alaska.

Ideally not really a love film. No action film, it shouldn't be boring, of course, not so much action. Maybe something about skating or something like that. In any case with happy ending and Please no horror film!

Achso, the film should be available on Netflix if possible.


The Help (unfortunately not on Netflix)

No sex with the ex (Hawaii)

My Invented Wife (Hawaii)

Modern Family (USA)

Kevin alone in New York (NY)


Brokeback Mountain
the horse Whisperer
American honey
Legends of passion

But no idea if you can find them on Netflix


I've looked through Modern Family three times, but thanks for the others.


I would recommend these films to you:

The prince from Zamunda
Hour of probation


A film about skating?! Yes, I know one:

Dogtown Boys (not available on Netflix)


@Piano thanks for the asterisk ⭐