Is Netflix worth it or is it a waste of money?

- in Movies

So I'm considering if I should get Netflix or not.

My question is: is it even worth spending money on? So there's no such a large series and films selection and it will be 10 series a month or so down + to which there's no series there I want to see

Since I would continue to buy the series and movies on DVD and have at least then forever

What do you all mean? Is Netflix worth it?


Yes, it's worth it.


Well for me honestly not because there's not a single series on my list that I would like to see


It's worth it. You can also buy Netflix cards. There's a supermarket. DA, you can then watch a month and then consider whether it's worth it. Netflix is also cancellable monthly, so really fair


Why are you asking here then?


There's 1 free month

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