Films or documentaries about Ireland and Great Britain?

- in Movies

We're writing exams this year and there we have Great Britain and Ireland as "reference cultures".

There are many texts about it on the Internet, but are there maybe films or documentaries about the countries that you can recommend?

Not only that they play there but also that you learn something about the culture and the country itself? Can also be in English.

Our teacher sent us the following things as tips today:

-Why are there Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland? Why is Northern Ireland part of the UK?

-What are the cultural characteristics of Ireland?

-What languages do you speak in Ireland?

- to listen to the language, you could e.g. Watch "Long live Ned devine" in English!

-what is the brexit? How did that happen? What is GB / Republic of Ireland about?

You don't have to answer the questions now. I just wrote it so that you know what the films should be about and what I need to experience.

I would be very happy about your tips.

Things would be good to watch over the Internet or via Netflix or Amazon Prime (without having to pay money).

