Which company do you think produces the best documentaries?


I would like to see some good documentaries, but unfortunately I don't know where to start.

I'm not interested in certain topics / genres, because I find almost all documentaries very interesting and exciting (whether animal documentaries, science, physics, history, politics, social affairs, space, etc.). You can also use it to acquire extensive general knowledge.

I would only be interested in which companies or broadcasters, in your opinion, make the best documentaries (e.g. Arte, NTV, Netflix etc.). I don't care at all whether the language is German or English.


There are many good documentaries (free of charge) in the ZDF media library, but I don't know who is doing them exactly.

In English, BBC documentaries are always pretty good


Every documentary broadcaster broadcasts good, very good and bad documentaries

They don't produce them themselves either, maybe ZDF will do the dubbing and then it's over


I prefer to watch "Terra X" from ZDF (mixed topics). I also like "Quarks" from WDR (science) or "Heimatflimmern", also from WDR (NRW-related, often nature)