What do you think of Carl a company that offers electric cars as a kind of subscription?


No idea if there's anywhere else, but this company wants to promote e-mobility.


So you pay a certain price for a electric car (all known models and brands) per month (= subscription as with Netflix).

(~ 500 EUR for eSmart and then more for Tesla and co.)

6 months of commitment can then be terminated monthly

All this is included: electricity charging for 15000km, inspection and service, fully comprehensive insurance, seasonal tires, maintenance, motorway vignette.

Do you think this company will prevail?



I'm not a fan of electric cars, not because I deny climate change or anything else, but because I believe that electric cars are not exactly cleaner than an internal combustion engine, at least as far as production is concerned. I generally do not find a kind of ' rental system '' for cars that might be cheaper to buy or lease such a car in the end and that you are not necessarily as contractually bound as if you rented the car as described above. The whole is my opinion.


Thank you. Good helpful topic-related answer!


What they do is the worst eyewash.

Their business model is somewhere between rental and leasing, but calling the whole "subscription" is really questionable.

And neither rental car nor leasing is new.


Yes, it sounds like a lot of hidden costs to me…

I'm only interested in principle because it is new.

I'm also extremely critical of this… I'm just excited to see how well established.


I don't know Carl, but there are others too.

To bridge the gap until your own car is delivered? - Why not?