Movie for class?

- in Movies

I'm supposed to pick some movies from Netflix for our class. There's tuned dan which we look. Do you know any movies well until the age of 16, but not to Brutal (you should not see a lot of blood now). It should be action but also love, so that the girls and boys are satisfied and also not really brutal, so do not upset the teachers. A movie like this from 12 or 16.




12 Years a Slave - African American is torn from his life and enslaved. Playing around 1840 in the USA.

Martians - Save Mark Whattney. Adventure. Not really much love. But in my eyes exciting for everyone.

Ralph Reichts - cute animated movie in the world of slot machines and consoles.

Children of Man - children can no longer be conceived in the world. The world as a dark place, with a lot of violence. And in between the most precious. The world's only newborn to be protected. Exciting.