A series of unfortunate events Contemporary background and place of happening?

- in Movies

I have to admit that this is a very specific question, since the series is not particularly well known in the German-speaking world and the books are probably even less so. Abe villeicht one or the other has nevertheless dealt with this series. If not, I can strongly recommend this. I once read the book series (2006) and was very disappointed with the film adaptation, but the Netflix series was really terrific, since a lot of 1 to 1 was taken from the books)

Well, anyway, I've been dealing with this great fictional world of Lemony Snicket (Daniel Handler) for a while now and now the question arises in which years the story takes place and especially where it takes place. It is clear to me that Daniel Handler did not provide any year information, but somehow I want to find out. In the Netflix series, the environment (cars, architecture, clothing style) very much points to the 1930s. In addition, I still have in mind that the Hindenburg was used as a concrete comparison to a sensation and the Hindenburg had its maiden voyage in 1930. However, some very modern things appear in the series, such as the mention of Amazon and Netflix (probably Advertising gags) but also a Fiat 500 in the second part of "the dark Alee". In the original English collection of letters by Lemony Snicket and Beatrice Baudelaire I and Beatrice Baudelaire II, however, it is also mentioned that it will take "some time" for legal recognition of same-sex marriage. There's also little information on the location of the event, which is probably fictitious, but it is called "Winnipeg" (a Canadian city) and Peru. The architecture points to North America and Europe between 1900 and 1950. But unfortunately I don't know any more.

I doubt that someone has dealt with it, but if so, I would be overjoyed with an answer!


I think sometime between 1900 and 1950 I would guess England