A series of sad events, book or series?

- in Movies

Is it worth reading the book series "A series of sad events" if you've already seen the netflix series? You know it from films that many details of a book are omitted, is it different with this one?


It's been quite a while since I read the books. I'm reminded that a few things have changed, but I'm not sure anymore.

But as for the books - do you already have access to the books? In German, most of the books are out of print. At Amazon you can buy some of the books used - at some extreme prices. Some traders want 50 euro for a single book. I even remember that the last volume was sold for 100 euro (that's why I read the last 3 volumes in English, was cheaper)


Well, unfortunately, I do not have access directly, but since they were also published by different publishers, I would have to first decide which one should be to me afterwards to make the effort to find which are still to have. I'll give you right, even used to be sold at the moment expensive, but if the new edition of Fischer Verlag is continued, you could get the story so relatively cheap to read English would also be a possibility, even if it is much more relaxed in German reading would be for me.