Always sad, normal?


So I don't know why (I'm 15 / W) and I'm always sad. Every evening I'm sad but I just don't know why. I have a friend with whom I'm happy but why am I sad then I don't cap it and I always try to distract myself by listening to music or watching Netflix or something but it just doesn't help, I'm always sad for no reason…

Can anyone tell me why, whether I'm the only one and whether you have any tips. Would really help me


Everyone has good and bad phases in life and I'm sure that you will get better at some point! Unfortunately, we can't know here what exactly is making you sad. Maybe you write something like a diary with all your feelings and thoughts and can thus discuss the reasons and "let them flow". It would be worth a try. All the best to you 🍀


During this time, the hormones spin and that is also the reason

that disappears again alone