Film clips for a lecture at school?

- in Movies

I have to make a presentation about a film in English and I would need clips or pictures from the film.
But since I have no rights to the film, I wonder where I can get these clips without violating the copyright law.
Can you just take a clip / image and link it to sources?
Thank you in advance!
(the movie would be "12 strong" and it's available on Netflix)


Also good, you give a lecture, the teacher records and gives a warning lawyer. The lawyer sends you a warning for 500 euro and does half-half with the teacher.

With 30 students… Would be worth it.

: D


The clips are not required but would be useful.
I have also seen many YouTubers who do film reviews that they can use clips without any problems…


There's fair use in US law. Accordingly, you can use excerpts from media when it comes to evaluating the content. There are still x criteria.

Is that something like that in Germany? At least I have doubts.


What kind of teacher would itch if you illegally downloaded it? And then cut your clips out of it?


German teachers…


How does he want to know where the film is and where you can buy or stream it? I hardly think that someone who is so familiar with the law😅