Is television dying out?

- in Movies

Scary what's going on there. Apparently they really missed the "connection". Is TV coming to an end? How about the music cassette back then?

Because, super long commercials and then only mediocre films or series.

I mean, I think it's a shame. In my opinion, we're far too entertained by YouTube, Netflix and Co. Completely overstimulated and dull. Even if hardly anyone notices it, because innovation is always perceived as good and we have no distance to it.

The shallow television program of the 80s and 90s, on the other hand, was a balm for the soul and good for relaxation. But today… It's kind of just another bad attempt. A few channels anticipated.

What do you think?


I don't have a television at home, and I'm not missing anything.


As long as Terra x comes what I record or look at, hopefully not


The television has to put it down to itself with the new DVB T shoot me dead

There's less advertising on YouTube and you decide what you want to watch.

Only the news is more fun on the TV because of the mishaps.


Terra x is the only cool thing about television and n24 documentation




To what extent have they missed the connection


To stay interesting for the young people.


Yes. I think classic television will slowly die out.
But don't just think about young people. For the generation 80 plus, for example, nothing has been running for a long time (expandable to radio).
Even the people of the generation around 65 who don't like to watch crime novels have difficulties. My aunt still told the days which of her favorite German series are now being discontinued.
Personally, I only zap, rarely that I really watch something and when the advertising annoys every 20 minutes. Most of the time I still watch documentaries.

I think streaming is the future


If you want factual information, education and culture and not just entertainment, then public television (or radio) is in good hands.

With increasing educational poverty, the demand for public television also decreases.


All things that can be seen through other media.

I think it's risky not to watch TV and to put educational background on one level.