Is television dying out? What will happen to the satellite capacities?


Is television dying out? And what takes its place? What happens to the capacities on the satellites? Will we need fewer geostationary satellites in the future? Or what could the geostationary satellites be used for? Netflix? Amazon Video? Everything via satellite in the future? Or will the geostationary satellites slowly disappear? Who of you still watches television?

Is television dying out What will happen to the satellite capacities

There's nothing that interests me. In addition, streaming services have the advantage that you can watch everything when you want and without advertising…


I will use normal television for as long as it is free - except for the license fee, which everyone has to pay. I'm not willing to pay extra and in addition for every channel like Netflix, Amazon, Sky etc.


Even if not a single U 40s watched TV these days, it would be this age group that would keep them alive for at least 40 years with an average life expectancy of around 80 …

So ask this question again in 40 years: -D