Are you going crazy?


Even before Corona I wasn't doing so well and now, after all these lockdowns, I notice how I'm getting worse and worse

- I hardly have any energy left and I'm just tired

- I'm almost in a bad mood

- often have a headache

- Sleep rhythm changed

Now I also have lovesickness and I just can't distract myself sensibly because you can just do NIX apart from gaming and Netflix 😩

I didn't even come to do my schoolwork properly today because I just can't concentrate anymore and I feel so bad.

I just can't take it anymore this pandemic I just can't anymore

For me, I probably have depression, I was already at the therapist last week and I will probably be doing therapy soon, but since the pandemic everything has gotten worse…

What should I do?

How are you doing right now? Are you also burdened by this lockdown?


Well, try to distract yourself first and I wish you that the therapy is successful. I feel so much the same way, I should go to the doctor, but I can't really get over myself… So it's a good first step that you've done it


Yes it's really and so simple but it won't get any better otherwise


Try meditation.

And therapy is an absolutely right idea, stay tuned. So far I've heard from every single person who has been in therapy that it was the best decision. I wish you a lot of strength.

How are you doing right now? Are you also burdened by this lockdown?

Don't burden. I get along pretty well, I can also be alone, tbh. But I can understand how that can pull other people down.


Thanks for the answer


Going to the therapist was a really good idea. Corona doesn't really bother me, it's just stupid that my parents don't want me to meet friends. They only say when everyone is wearing a mask. But I can understand you. I don't want to sit around the house for 14 days! But otherwise I'm doing pretty well.


I can feel what kind of situation you are in right now, have often had phases like this and am currently in one too.

The most important thing is that you distract yourself and not by just lying around in your dark room and doing nothing or just playing, but by actively finding something that you enjoy, believe me, that really does wonders.

Personally, I go out for a walk every morning or do sports after breakfast before I even do anything to just clear my head a little.

Give it a try and it may help you cope better with the situation and if it doesn't help, it doesn't matter. Just keep trying things that you can enjoy and then your duties like schoolwork will be a lot more enjoyable too.

And if none of this really works for you, then I would personally recommend a good therapist to you and if you don't feel well connected to the first therapist, then find another.

It is always important that you have someone with whom you feel safe, with whom you can talk openly and honestly about everything.

Hope I could maybe help you a little and if you need something:

Just contact me or here on the platform, there are certainly enough people here who are interested in you.




Thank you for the answer, I will try the walk and see if it gets a little better then and otherwise I have to keep looking


I have been in voluntary quarantine from the start because we have 2 risk cases in the family, including myself.
So I'm in a relationship with Corona, it's our anniversary in March. Then she came to Europe.
The first time I did everything that was left to work, then I kept myself up to date with some programming languages, dealt with complex numbers and a lot of things that stayed in my head.
In the meantime, I'm starting to do more and more of what I've always wanted to do. An LED panel built, crystal structures made from magnetic balls, ant lions settled in the terrarium, a fog system installed as an outdoor air conditioning system for the pavilion for hot summer days. And then there's homeschooling with my daughter, my cats and dogs and, last but not least, my wife. I signed up for good question for a week. Was at LycosIQ about 10 years before, but then didn't have the time.
There's no warehouse fever or something like that. We laugh a lot and talk to each other.
Little daughter chats, reads thick books, speaks to friends on the phone and tries to encourage me to exercise.
I would like to do more, but the day is too short.


That's good, I'm okay, and even if I don't, I usually find out for myself