How to withstand the madness in quarantine itself?


I (19, m) have put myself into a quarantine, I'm healthy, but I do not want to take any risks and do no harm to anyone who belongs to the risk group. I haven't left the apartment for days and I'm afraid I'm going crazy. I constantly wash my hands, even though I'm only at home, and keep everything as clean as possible.

I have no more activities, can't go to the gym, I watch Netflix, eat, chill on the couch and read from time to time and chat with friends. I'm not an introvert, I'm not used to that.

help what should i do? What are you doing not going out there? And I hope you don't go out until it's urgent, because that would be irresponsible at the moment.


What I do?

I hope that my depression doesn't get any worse and I'm learning like a better one.


You don't need the gym, you can also do sports outside, go for a walk, etc., that was just announced.


I also ask myself the question. It's always easy to endure something when you have a house, or simply have a lot of space, a garden, etc.

If you live in a small apartment, if someone even lives in a 1-room apartment without a balcony, people could go crazy.

If you are lonely, if you live alone, you could go crazy.


All the best to you. Stay healthy…


No, that is not irresponsible, go jogging, and do it alone. You can also search for an internet course that interests you.


I hope…


I understand. It's like solitary confinement. One can maintain social contacts conditionally over the Internet and telephone. In such a situation, which can also take longer, it is important not to get bogged down. So make yourself a program and stick to it. Use the time for sport and study, and don't just chill.

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