Play Windows sound on the monitor you are currently using?


The following problem: I have connected a 24 inch monitor (HDMI) and a Smart TV (DisplayPort) to my PC, I would like to play the sound of the programs that run on the TV and those that run on my monitor over it.

I know that programs can be given a fixed audio output, but programs (such as Chrome, Netflix etc.) are often used on both monitors, so I want that depending on which monitor the application is running on, the audio output then runs on it. Is that possible?


It would be new to me that Windows can work with it. The problem is that Windows can only use one output channel for sound / music and one for communication devices. Without fooling Windows into thinking that your TV is a headset, you can't split the sound between two devices at the same time.

However, there's supposed to be third-party programs that can output the sound to different devices depending on the application (but regardless of where the app is displayed):

I don't know how well it works, I haven't tested it.