Easy to pause / play Netflix, YouTube, Apple Music?


I've had a new iPad for a few weeks now. Unfortunately I have some problems: Netflix and YouTube videos simply pause without doing anything.

It's the same with Apple Music, where songs suddenly play and sometimes they even play as if the speed was twice as fast?! I find that especially strange because Apple Music doesn't even have such a function! Most of the time I didn't even open the app.

I don't know if it's because of the iPad, because it's brand new, I hope I didn't catch a virus… It could also be related to my headphones, since they are already very broken anyway. If I hear without them it doesn't happen.

It would be nice if someone could write to me if they have the same problem and if they have a solution (on the internet it says that some have the problem with YouTube and Spotify, but I haven't found anything about Netflix and Apple Music.)


Must be due to your I Pad


My iPhone always stopped my song. The problem was the headphones. It's best to try other headphones or to see if it still stops without headphones.