Netflix and Chill as a 2nd date?


I met a girl a few days ago and it was a very nice date. Everything went great and we want to meet again. We write to each other often and very sweetly. And I thought it had "sparked" between us.

So I asked her about another meeting, she immediately agreed - but when asked what we should do, she said "Netflix and Chill". (supposedly she had no ideas and so on…)

I now think that she just wants to (take advantage of) me as an F +.

Because after the first meeting was so great and romantic, then something?!

Please help me… I don't know what to do or what to think…


Ask her directly what she thinks about chill. If you don't want that, suggest something different. Be sure to speak up so that nobody gets hurt.


Maybe she really just wants to watch a movie, just look what's in store for you and if you don't want to, you don't want to. Have to accept it.


Then suggest something else or you let the meeting go without sex.

Then you see how she reacts.

Another very daring, innovative suggestion would be: talk to her about it!


Maybe she doesn't mean Netflix & Chill in that sense, but just wants to make yourself comfortable with you. The choice of words is of course a bit unfortunate. Meet her and see how it comes. If you now absolutely notice that she really only wants an F +, ask her about it. But I wouldn't paint the devil on the wall from the start (Netflix & Chill is sometimes watching Netflix and making yourself comfortable)