Ps4 network error unitymedia?


I have problems with the PS4 and the Connectbox. No matter if I play online / offline or watch Netflix a series, after 15-45 minutes I get the message "network error" and fly out of the online game or the stream stops for a few minutes until the network is rebuilt. Do I have to make any settings on the Connectbox so that I no longer have these network problems?! Problem occurs over w-lan and lankabel.


Usually you don't have to make any settings. Back then the Connectbox also had problems, but not in running streams or games.

For me, that almost sounds like a firewall problem that occurs because there's permanent data traffic with higher volumes (not uncommon for online games and streams).

First of all, the following questions arise:

Do you have the problem with daily surfing too?
Does the problem also occur with YouTube videos (good quality, longer than 10-20 minutes)?

Maybe there's a log you can present? Some errors and processes of the Connectbox could be read from this.

Otherwise my advice: Call Unitymedia and ask for a router exchange (for a Fritzbox!). Ideally, even buy one yourself. In my opinion, they have the best quality and performance. I bought one years ago and haven't had any problems since then.


No it is only with my Ps4 every good hour I say network error above and I'm thrown out of the party or the online game and have to restart it


Is there a log file of your router?

