Netflix Vpn Proxy error message does anyone have a solution (urgent)?

- in Movies

So many of you know the Netflix Vpn Proxy error, it does not always occur in our household, sometimes it works and sometimes not and if the error code occurs I can still watch some films / series but most of them unfortunately not. We use a WLAN in which you have to log in from the login provider meinhospot, the problem occurs both in the Android app and in the ps4 app. My question now would be if I could set anything in the ps4 Wi-Fi settings that would help, thanks in ahead, stay healthy


It's up to the provider, on the cell phone you can fix the problem with Express VPN…


And ps4?


There's also for the PS4, you have to google.


It should be because Netflix is overblocking and thus blocking all unknown IPs that are not on a list. And you can't outsmart Netflix because a Whios query reveals 99.99% of all VPNs.