Lock & key series by Joe Hill identical to the Netflix series?


I started the lock & key series on Netflix today and I like it so much that I'm considering buying the books and reading them beforehand. Now my question, are they identical to the series or do they differ and are they worth the 25 euro per volume? Or is the series based directly on the complete 3 books or will there be 3 seasons?


It's been ages since I've read the comics and I can't remember the plot in it completely. I'm in the fifth episode right now, but so far it seems to be similar to the comics, but not really 1 to 1 identical. I guess some has been changed for entertainment.

So far it feels like the series contains the entire plot, but of course I can be wrong. As already mentioned, I have not yet seen them completely. As I estimate Netflix, however, you will find a way to exploit this story if the demand of another (or more) season is big enough.

You have to know whether you are worth the money for the comics. If you are a comic book fan, it is certainly not wrong to buy them. The collaboration between Gabriel Rodriguez and Joe Hill is really impressive. So if you have an exciting story with great illustrations, then you will certainly not regret the purchase.

I hope I could help you with my (half) knowledge!

See you


Thank you for bothering.

I also asked a few friends who are more involved in the "comic scene" than I did, they pretty much told me the same thing as you said, but also recommend reading them on an internet site.

Have a good time