Who else goes to cinemas?


Let's ask that. Who of you still goes to cinemas these days? With prices rising, Netflix and co is more attractive, isn't it?


I like going to the movies, even though I have the main streaming services. I like the event and always find it very pleasant to go to the cinema with friends, talk about the films and maybe have something to eat afterwards.

But I only watch really big films like Disney, Marvel, DC and other "big" titles. The atmosphere in the cinema is often better and in the VIP area you have your peace and quiet.


Netflix and Co. Would be out of the question for me. Annoys me even at the GEZ that I pay for channels that I don't watch.

At Netflix and co. I pay for series and films that I don't watch.

I prefer to pay for the one movie I really want to see and see it on the big screen


Because if I do, I only go when films are being played that interest me. Or which I really hope are well done.

This is currently less the case 😅


Clearly cinema.

Streaming services are good but you are sitting conventionally like at the right TV at home. Such a visit to the cinema is a completely different atmosphere, if you understand what I mean (feelings are hard to explain).


Always our favorite cinema, with the best seats ever.

Plus Dolby Atmos… Geiler is not at all ^^

We were in two films this year and two will be, at least ^^

For example, we were in Bad Boys… I had to wait 17 years for a new part and it is clear that I have to get bumblebees in the rear you have to run.

Cinema is just a completely different atmosphere u the films we go to you overall cinema is very, very well attended