How do I get TV channels on a TV?


Here's a stupid question.

I bought a TV a few months ago and only ever watched Netflix + YT, but my wife now wants TV channels on it too.

How do I do that? I once had an antenna, but it was horror - often extreme bugs for no apparent reason.

Is that also possible with a cable or something?


Via cable connection, but then you need the conditions, via satellite dish, must then also be on the roof. The easiest for me is DVB-T 2, costs 70 euro a year via Freenet with a suitable receiver.

Via IP TV.

Or via TV apps like zattoo, Pluto, waipu.


There are many options nowadays. In addition to the antenna you mentioned, e.g. A satellite dish, classic cable TV or IP TV.

If an antenna, dish or cable connection is available, the appropriate receiver is required. Nowadays these are often integrated into the television, but of course also available individually.

The most modern solution would probably be television over the Internet, also known as IP TV. All larger telecommunications providers have this on offer, but there are also independent companies that offer this.

So I would first ask your Internet provider - that could actually be the cheapest and easiest solution.