Block websites for a certain time?


I'm looking for a DNS provider with which you can block certain websites for a certain time.

For example, Be able to go to Netflix only in the evening but still google in the afternoon.

I was thinking of a DNS server that filters out the pages but so far I have only found providers who either permanently filter out certain pages or block the entire Internet for a certain time.


Have you ever checked the possibility of blocking the pages in the router?


I don't know much about blocking websites, but if you have an iPhone / iPad, you can download the apps to your device and then manage them with the screen time. You can then set which app can be available at which time:-)


On my FritzBox there's the same problem, either all websites are temporarily blocked or permanently filtered.


Internet filter parental control blacklist?


Unfortunately you can only set a time limit, but you can still decide when to use it.


With Downtime (the top one) you can set the time in which the apps should be "prohibited" and then always add allowed apps that you can still use with this limit. I know it's complicated, maybe there's an easier method…


This is not exactly what I'm looking for, because you can only set a single period per day and then everything that is not explicitly released is blocked.


Okey, hopefully someone else can help you:-)


Since you can set which pages you want to have filtered, but they are then permanently blocked.