HTML5 vs WordPress?


On the internet you can find some articles about whether you should use HTML5 or WordPress to create a website. Many believe that especially for larger websites, which could also change in content and design, WordPress should be created, since this is easier and more flexible.

My question now is, why are so many well-known websites programmed in HTML anyway? Is this because many of these websites are so old and WordPress was not so popular at the time or did not even exist? Or because IT-heavy applications like Airbnb or Uber use several programming languages at the same time and can they be better combined with HTML and therefore have more options? Is there even a completely different reason? Or is it just as possible with WordPress to create websites like Airbnb, Uber, Netflix, etc., which can also have exactly the same functionality and the same performance?

I would be very happy to receive constructive answers and would also like improvements if I have misunderstood something!


It always depends on the extent to which standard functions are involved and how good each one is with HTML / CSS / PHP / JAVA / … And the like.

My general opinion: the more homemade, the better. The more complex, the more your own code.


HTML is just the code that is output at the end. Wordpress also generates HTML. One is a language, the other a complex management software that outputs its content as language.

Wordpress is a content management system that works in the background of the page to maintain content without having to access the file system.

Your page examples don't just work with HTML. This alone would not make functions possible. They all maintain themselves in a background management software in order to be able to control the multitude of contents centrally.

Only with HTML, without extended scripting languages or software integration, hardly a page works anymore. This applies at most to very small presences with few subpages, which advertise as small information providers, for example, small service providers / businesses. And even with them, it is rarely a matter of manual operation for side maintenance. Somewhere there's often a PHP code to embed dynamic content, menus, opening hours or the like. To be able to involve the experts without specialist knowledge.


On the internet you can find some articles about whether you should use HTML5 or WordPress to create a website.

You have to show me the contributions. )
HTML offers practically no functionality compared to CMS, which have HTML, PHP, JavaScript, SQL and much more in store.

My question now is, why are so many well-known websites programmed in HTML anyway?

The only websites that are exclusively programmed with HTML are Aspach. PHP and JavaScript are more on the ball. If you refer to the browser, this only shows you HTML - PHP is on the server side.

Or because IT-heavy applications like Airbnb or Uber use several programming languages at the same time and can they be better combined with HTML and therefore have more options?

Correct. But that has nothing to do with age. Pages use HTML fundamentally because of the simplicity and extend over CSS, JavaScript, PHP and others.

Or is it just as possible with WordPress to create websites like Airbnb, Uber, Netflix, etc., which can also have exactly the same functionality and the same performance?

Is it. The server that offers this service is only important. The code can be so powerful, even if your server is a crutch.


Wordpress has the big advantage, but also the disadvantage, that it is open source and very widespread. This means on the one hand that the code is constantly being improved, but on the other hand that you have to make an incredible effort so that the website is not hacked.

And WP also uses HTML, I assume you mean WP as opposed to a self-programmed website?


1. You don't program with HTML. HTML is not a programming language.

2. WordPress is enough for a simple page. But as soon as you want any more complex applications, you MUST write it yourself (or pay someone to do it). But HTML is not enough.


Only with HTML, without extended scripting languages or software integration, hardly a page works anymore. At most, this applies to very small presences with few subpages

Mostly felt websites of villages and cities… X)


Not at all. I looked after several cities and municipalities a good 15 years ago. Administrative software - mostly of a self-written nature - was actually used by everyone. She was just often… Creepy. And almost always the person with the least knowledge of computers is responsible for administration.


And WP is very vulnerable to attacks.


As I said…