Should I block it everywhere?


The following situation: in primary school, a boy and I had good contact. We always played and at some point we fell in love. We had a very nice childhood but that was years ago. 5-6 we're already a bit older and in the middle of our youthful phase. I still like him for over 5 years. We had good contact a short time ago but then he lost his feelings and 1 month later he has a new one. He's a teenager, of course, he can be in love or something but if we were serious a few months ago it is bad if he has a new one right away. A slim blonde with green eyes.
They've been together again and I'm not sure if I should block him from just getting over him. That would be perfect. I once thought 'good luck!' write and then block it. I'm really angry and sad at the same time, I'm really desperate. What would you do? Have already reset Netflix and spotify passwords


Instead of just forgetting about it when you're mad, do a circus like that. Just look for a new one.


I find blocking childish.

Are you 5 that you just ignore someone when you're mad?

I only block if someone is spamming me or something.


So if someone text you with creeoy messages every few weeks, what do you do?


Your behavior is understandable, I would write him a message about how you feel and all that and say that you need distance, then you can take it easy and relax.


Blocking him for something like that would be childish.

But I was in a similar situation to yours and I know how you feel right now. At the time, my ex-boyfriend already had a new girlfriend a month after he broke up. Of course that hurt me a lot because I was still in love with him and he didn't exactly make it easy for me to forget him until he got together with the other person. I then just wrote to him that I first needed some distance to get over him and he accepted that and then did not write to me anymore. We then had no contact with each other for a few months and at some point I wrote to him again and we've been good friends again since then.

There's, of course, no guarantee that it will be the same for you. But blocking him would be wrong, especially if you want you to be friends when you get over him.