Have a series idea how can I publish it on Netflix?


Have a series idea and want to publish it, can I sell it to Netflix or how does it work?

I would also like to find actors for it myself and have already written the script and would also like to have a small acting role.

Can I contact Netflix? Can I manage to work with Netflix?

I'm currently a student but my series idea is good and I want to publish it, how can I make it? Should I write to Netflix Germany via Instagram?


Sell the idea it should be good. Netflix phone number: 0800 724 0697. Email: impressum@netflix.com These are contact details from Netflix. This script should be good, however, which probably get frequent inquiries


Take a look here: https://www.holger-karsten-schmidt.de/drehbuch/wie-verkaufe-ich-ein-drehbuch/?mobile=1

Or here: https://www.qtalk.de/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4659

You won't be taken seriously on Instagram. You can contact Netflix and theoretically you can also work with Netflix, but it will be very difficult.

Perhaps one can also help you here:


There's no way you can do it alone. You need contacts and the idea has to be really very good. Good is not enough.

Note: The links are not specific to Netflix, but general. For Netflix alone, this link (which some others have posted) is probably more useful:



These are NOT the relevant contact details. On the contrary, that is at most customer service. Anyone who dares to approach such a company in this way can definitely expect a blocking notice or the black list. That harms the project more than it helps.


But there she can get information.


To put it simply, no. Your only realistic chance would be to connect with Netflix through a manager, producer, or agent. However, I would also like to warn you here: such a deal is extremely hard work, even for professionals, and often takes forever. If you don't have a name in the industry, or at least a relevant degree or training, your chances are very slim. You should rather try to shoot a pilot and thus possibly look for a bigger producer. But here too: it's a tough market and it takes a long time to fight for your place. There are thousands of dreamers like you, some of them very well trained, trying to get a pitch on Netflix and Co. Some succeed, but most fail because they don't see it as a job, but as their totally brilliant idea and forget that the film business is also a business.


Netflix has an FAQ section that provides this information. There will be no further information on this, because the message is clear: without an agent, producer, etc. There's nothing.


That goes without saying. Customer service would then refer you to this information. Let's assume they are competent there.