Reprogramming Netflix?

- in Movies

Hi, I've had an idea floating around in my head for years, programming something like Netflix. But stop. Please don't make fun of me and please just answer my question.


What programming languages should I be able to program something similar to Netflix for Windows?

I started with Python and I think that this is already useful but I don't think that you can program something huge like Netflix with Python alone?

And would that cost something? (Licenses of films etc. Excluded)

As I said, this is just an idea and please don't laugh at it.

And would it cost what to publish?

And besides… Is that even possible alone?


OK, but python will probably be of little use to you.

For Windows you could do something nice with C #, I think you can do it alone (at least a kind of online video player)


You need HTML, PHP, JavaScript maybe phython for the basin, a SQL form (mysql) and more. Then set up the server, probably because of the price and Linux.

netflix is not big because of a lot of programming language but because of the content of good films is important. Publication costs depending on access, from 3 euro you are included or even cheaper with rapsberri pi

alone super difficult but feasible but not sure so look for a good team


Javascript, HTML, React Native, Css, PHP

But honestly for what? Better do something of your own.


C # is for windows desktop lol and not for websites


Yes, I want, yes, I want to offer something completely different from Netflix


Thank you


But how am I supposed to find a team nobody from my school is even a SMALL bit interested in computer science…


To program something similar to Netflix for Windows

Yes I know…

Although it would theoretically also be possible with Blazor.


This is wrong. One of the focus points of .NET has been on web development for several years. Find out more about ASP.NET.


In the comment he clearly wants to point out software and Netflix is not a software, but a website.


Do you want me to quote you again?

something similar to Netflix
for Windows
to program

And as you can see from regex9's answer, C # also offers the possibility of web development.


The comment is about software and not web development -.


(at least some kind of online video player)

He meant software and I said that something like Netflix is bad as software, you should use something with the web.


First of all, what does this have to do with the question of whether or not you can use C # for web applications? It is suitable in both cases. The questioner himself asked for something similar to Netflix for Windows.

Furthermore, Netflix does not just consist of a front end that is displayed in the browser. There's a server application running in the background (which makes up the majority of the application) and it can definitely be described as software.


(at least some kind of online video player)


Yes and? Netflix is nothing else… The videos are transmitted and displayed in small pieces… It doesn't matter whether in the browser or in a Windows application


I have no idea what you're getting at.

A video player will be needed for videos. An internet connection as well, otherwise you will hardly be able to transport the video data to the client.


Yes, but if you want to do something like Netflix you should definitely not use windows forms lmao. Tell me what you want, I won't change my mind


What speaks against it? He wanted a solution for Windows. Ok, maybe WPF would be better.


What programming languages should I be able to program something similar to Netflix for Windows?

You should look around for a powerful tool that already offers as many functions as possible or that can be easily expanded with helpful tools.

Java would be such a candidate. This technology has performed well and there are quite a few frameworks / libraries that can help you with your project.

Other candidates would be e.g. Node.js with JavaScript (and e.g. The React framework - that would be the choice that Netflix also made), C # /. NET, Scala or C ++.

You don't have to stick to a single technology when implementing (client and server applications). On the server side, Go, for example, would work pretty well. On the client side, you could assemble beautiful desktop UIs using JavaScript, HTML and CSS.

(…) but I don't think you can program something huge like Netflix with Python alone?

In any case, Python would not be my first choice for the core functionality (and structure) of such a project. However, it would be useful for small, additional tools.

If you do research on Netflix, you will see that their entire application process is armed with Python applications. The tools developed are used, for example, for data analysis and distribution. Read

And would that cost something? (Licenses of films etc. Excluded)

A video platform like Netflix must of course be able to handle a large data load. This does not only mean the memory consumption for the video data itself, but also the load that arises from operating the users / clients. The service is running 24 hours a day.

You can do a Google search to find out how many users Netflix has (or better: how many video requests are received per day).

Now you need a scalable architecture for this. Providers like AWS, Azure, Oracle or Google can offer something like this. On their pages you can also look up how much the hosting (etc.) costs (they all also provide a price calculator).

And would it cost what to publish?

As known - license costs (Gema, etc.) and hosting. You would have to register a business because you sell a service. Assuming you want to offer your client applications as Windows apps, there would be additional costs for an App Store developer account (one-time maximum of $ 100).

Depending on what applications / libraries / etc. Charges may be necessary during development.

I would also include costs for legal assistance. With something like that it is always better to get someone again regarding data protection and the like. To look over it.

Other external competencies could also play a role. More on this in the next partial answer.

And besides… Is that even possible alone?

I would say no.

You will always have to rely on the help of external providers. It doesn't have to just refer to hosting. As already mentioned, an assessment with a legal eye would be practical and you may need help in other areas of development (e.g. With UI design, with general problems in programming or when testing the application).

Last but not least, you mustn't forget that even after it's finished and published, the project can't just be put aside. Somebody has to do maintenance and support. The wider the publication radius, the more difficult it will be.


If you have such gigantic ideas, you should first break down rough functional blocks. What is Netflix doing? Then it occurred to me:

License and store video data and metadata
Refine and manage metadata to make recommendations
Manage customer accounts (registration, login, payment, …) and all around the whole topic of data security
Play out video data (important NFRs here performance, scalability and security in terms of DRM)
Client applications for all possible operating systems or the web

Each of these areas is very large in itself. The programming languages used are really not the first thing that comes to mind (Netflix uses heavily in the backend, but like all large companies it will have a zoo of other languages in use too.)


Look at other forums or other places where coders meet there you will definitely find something