What does the average consumer need 5G for?

- in Free

We're currently expanding 5G and should be fully expanded in my federal state (Vienna) by 2022 at the latest. According to APA, Magenta will soon activate LTE with unlimited data volume and possibly existing 5G free of charge for all new, old and renewal customers.

But why do I need 5G if LTE is activated anyway and I can surf a lot?

I just use it for Netflix and Amazon Prime in HD.


Have better and not need than need and not have?

Normally I don't even need 4G because 3G is sufficient for normal surfing and even with 4G the data volume is used up in an extremely short time.

On vacation, however, I had gotten unlimited data volume and gave me, my sister and my parents Wi-Fi via a hotspot. There I was happy every time I had 4G, with 5G it would be really pleasant and I wouldn't miss the Wi-Fi at home anymore.


The advantage of 5G is not only the faster connection, but also the lower latency, websites build up faster and games lag less.


5g are faster than lte… And bu you also get unlimited 5g contracts.


So the first front door does not bring you more advantages than more bandwidth, a higher cell capacity and alignment of the individual antennas to the end user.

The backbone, i.e. The core network of the provider, also needs an integration, since real-time communication is a huge advantage there. Then we can, for example, use cars with cellular control or other real-time applications.

E.g. https://5g.nrw/industrie-4-0-in-echtzeit/


Wow then I can finally play Tetris without laggs.


More is always better

If everyone would think that way, we would still be with PCs with 286 CPUs