Is German free tv dead?

- in Free

In the meantime, Prosieben and co. To do this, only decided to play the same content between the advertising blocks. Then I ask myself whether it would not make much more sense to bury the cow. As a child, it was all chic, but how the hell can it be that within a few years, such a large corporation can manage itself like no other. And why do you still cling to your own platforms like this damn "joyn" instead of the rights and co. To sell to Netflix (or you name it)?

I try to understand why the broadcasters do not understand that 30 minutes of advertising no longer inspire tile table owners. I'm really sorry for the moderators who are really capable.

Is there really so much money behind it?


You are right that television through VoD and co is no longer what it used to be. I also practically no longer watch TV. But, take a look at the current ratings of the stations. So today the top quota was 3.9 million simultaneous viewers at ProSieben and I think you can still make a lot of money there… Not everyone has the money or wants to get Netflix


I only watch free TV. Live or media library. Couple of things on YT. I'm not stupid and pay extra for all programs / formats. Watch with a time delay and skip advertising. That goes without saying. Who is still looking at the advertising…


I can't tell if it's because people don't have the money to stream or they don't have the know-how. In fact, I think it's more in the "never touch a running system" category. Switch on, sprinkle. But what is used to drizzle makes the roast fat in this case.


I'm now spending more "active" time on YouTube. Apart from the carcinogenic influencers, there's also a lot of interesting content there. I still like to watch TV while eating, boredom or very specific content.

I'm already annoyed about advertising, but especially about HD politics. I will NEVER pay extra for HD. And SD is sometimes really no longer nice to look at on the big TVs.

The best thing would be if after 2022 (until then they are obliged to do so) the private sector completely turned off SD and thus relieved me of the decision.


I have netflix and watch it mostly, but I know a Russian channel (I'm Russian) my favorite series are shown there (partly also on Netflix) but I just switch on the channel and watch it because sometimes I just have something to watch To search netflix, so I just let it come to me haha. But look at Netflix has around 150 million subscribers worldwide and Germany (as one of the top netflix countries) has a total of 89 million inhabitants, so I think everyone has his motivation for not having Netflix or something


That was exactly what it was about. The content is not always bad, but to watch advertising every 20 minutes is not worth it and this content is no longer worth it. I have not thought about HD politics at all so far, but this is probably the drop that overflows the barrel.


By the way: broadcasting has its advantages. Instead of transferring the same thing millions of times, it is enough to do it once. Then the screaming about missing bandwidths would not be so big. Think about it.