Question about the walking dead?


I have a question about the walking dead. I recently started watching the walking dead on netflix. At some point I accidentally started amazon prime instead of netflix and saw that they also have the walking dead. So I looked at it and quickly noticed that they have completely different characters and looked at the name again: FEAR the walking dead. Can someone tell me what exactly the difference is and whether there are more of them?


Are just 2 different series (hence the different names) that play at the same time in the same zombie apocalypse. Both invented by Robert Kirkman and very similar in appearance. And (I think) very worth seeing.


The series both play in the "same universe"

Apart from the different characters, there are no major differences, only at the beginning of both series.

While Fear the Walking Dead represents the beginning of the apocalypse in a million metropolis, The Walking Dead uses a time jump of a few months.

At first I had a hard time getting used to the characters from Fear the Walking Dead, but now I'm just as big a fan as I'm from The Walking Dead.

I also found the portrayal of the beginning of the apocalypse in Fear the Walking Dead super exciting and largely "realistic" if you can say that about a zombie apocalypse se

In any case, despite all the criticism, I can highly recommend both series to you 😊 I hope that I could help you 😊✌🏼


'Fear the Walking Dead' is an offshoot of 'The Walking Dead'. There's another series called 'The Walking Dead: World Beyond' (1 season so far). And if that's still not enough, you can look forward to two more series from the TWD universe, the anthology series 'Tales of the Walking Dead' and a series of previously unknown names with Carol and Daryl as the main characters.

TWD and FTWD have a point of contact (TWD end of season 8, FTWD beginning of season 4). From then on, some characters from the mother series appear on FTWD. In principle, you can watch the two series independently of each other without any problems of understanding.


Fear the Walking Dead is the first offshoot from the TWD universe. Then there's The Walking Dead Beyond.

Fear the Walking Dead was initially set around the time the virus broke out, and later some characters from the mother series went over to Fear the Walking Dead and continued there.

I think the mother series is better because I got warm with the characters there and the stories are great too. With Fear the Walking Dead it took me longer to get warm with the characters and the other stories, and now I think they're really great too.