What do I buy with NETFLIX? How does the film library look like?

- in Free

Yes, that's a movie library I know. But how does that look on the TV? Do I have to scroll through directories like stupid, are there any short descriptions? I think it's all sorted by genre.

I just do not feel like "looking for a wolf" after a few movies that I have not seen yet… And is it really without advertising? That's what's starting to bother me, really. A normal movie is now twice and three times as long as before… And then I really need a new TV - my age is really old and he does not know the Internet (does he have that?)

And what alternatives to Netflix are there except Maxdome and are that actually alternatives - Amazon does not come into my house!

And yes, I know, I can do all my own experiences by a free trial for one month - but I do not have to: IF ONE OF YOU HAVE PARTICIPATED IN THE SCHWARMWISSEN!


So Netflix has meanwhile specialized in series and therefore no huge selection of films.

These are different sorted and findable, by year of publication, for suggestions for you, there's a search function and different categories in which one can search.

With TV with or without the Internet, I do not know myself, I know it so that the TV s.den PC connects, would certainly go differently, as know each other better.

Advertising in the sense does not exist, but of course it may be that there are product placements in the series and films, depending on who produced and paid for them.

In short, just try out the rehearsal month, look at obs you like it or not.


Thank you very much for the very informative answer to my question! You have helped me greatly.


Oh, I did not know that with the series - thanks for the info - because I do not need series… And who has the selection of films? Please do not SKY - I quit the boys 2 years ago and was there as the premiere and something called - I do not want more.


The number of films at Netflix Germany has indeed reduced slightly in recent years… However, (as of today) still nearly 3000 films are offered. At regular intervals (I think weekly) some movies fly out again and be replaced by new ones.


I assume you mean that ironically.

In fact, everyone has their own interest in movies and TV shows, so most streaming services offer a trial period and you can find your own taste.

And I have also found, even among the streamer, there's not the "Egg legend Wollmilchsau", no one has served me really to my taste.