Document about difficult emergency calls?

- in Free

Is there a documentary about emergency calls that have decided about life and death or similar (Netflix, Youtube, free on the internet)


How difficult rescue at sea is in the last century is also shown by the sinking of the "Titanic" in April 1912, which costs 1,500 lives. The radio officers send both the distress call «CQD» and «SOS». They are received by the freighter "Carpathia", the ship rushes to the scene of the accident and 712 people can be rescued. However, the emergency call is hidden from the nearby cargo ship "Californian", the radio operator sleeps. The sinking of the Titanic leads to numerous new security agreements in the shipping industry. Shortly thereafter, radio equipment is required, and every 30 minutes the frequencies must be intercepted for emergency calls.


Flight in danger, the mother of all air disaster movies, with Hanns Lothar, complete movie


Many thanks for the asterisk ;-)

Netflix emergency lie? la largejoziah